Melanie will be plying New Hampshire waters from now on . . . She will be berthed up the Piscataqua River and her new owners will undoubtedly have many fond memories aboard her. Thank you to all who expressed an interest.
A man cannot serve two Masters - or Mistresses. At no time is this more true than with boats. With the restoration of Desiree consuming my every boating moment, I cannot do justice to Melanie and have decided to sell her in the hopes there is someone out there who will continue to care for her as her prior owners have.
She is a 1979 Pearson Yawl and is in very good condition. Her sails, dodger, mainsail cover, roller furling are all new and she comes fully found.

LOA: 35’
Beam: 10”
Draft: 3’9”/ 7’6”
Engine: Universal
25 HP
Tankage: Fuel 30
gallons (monel tank); Water 90 gallons
13,000 lbs.
Ballast: 5,400 lbs.
Melanie is a great cruiser - her shallow centerboard draft allows you to moor in places other 35 footers can only dream of. With a 10' beam and 6'2" headroom below she is plenty comfortable below and her large cockpit can accommodate several adults (she has been the favorite summer venue of my wife's book club). Her displacement makes her a stable, safe craft. We have had her in heavy seas and she has performed admirably. She has been a fixture along the New England coast from Rhode Island to Acadia Maine and has always been well maintained. Her yawl rig offers many different sail configurations and is a blast to sail.
It is an old saw that says that the two best days of boat ownership are the day you buy her and the day you sell her. In this case, that's only half true. She will be sorely missed.
I am offering her at $28,500 to a good family.
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